Archangel of the Month :: Arcanjo do Mês

Semana 11-06-2013 a 17-06-2013

26-05-2013 03:56
ARCANJO ZADKIEL by Chrissie Astell THE ARCHANGEL OF THE VIOLET FLAME Day of the week: Saturday   Colour:   violet - purple (Archangel of the 7th Ray)   Feminine Counterpart: Holy Amethyst Ashram (centre of heightened energy): Cuba Crystal:...

Semana 03-06-2013 a 10-06-2013

23-05-2013 09:28
ARCANJO RAZIEL O ANJO DOS MISTÉRIOS e PRÍNCIPE DOS QUERUBINS "O SEGREDO DE DEUS" Raziel é considerado o Anjo das Regiões Secretas e dos Mistérios Supremos. Diz-se que  é o autor de um livro contendo todo o conhecimento do céu e da Terra. Infelizmente, o livro teria sido escrito na linguagem...

Semana 20-05 a 27-05

20-05-2013 12:05
Gabriel and his horn by Susan Gregg Gabriel is an Archangel and his is often depicted with a horn. I was surprised when I saw a statue of him on top of a building near my condo here in Tokyo. I took that as a sign he was the angel of the week. Here is an excerpt from my book The Encyclopedia...
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