19-07-2013 14:27




divination uses of crystalsLapis Lazuli Divination

The Divinatory meaning of Lapis Lazuli: It is the right time to get yourself noticed in a positive way; a high-profile presentation of your talents is the key. [Eason, 223] Dreaming of Lapis Lazuli signifies faithful love. [Kunz, 358]

angel crystalsLapis Lazuli and the Angelic Realm

If your birthday falls in any of the following periods, a Lapis Lazuli can be a valuable conduit to your Guardian Angel. The table also provides the name of the Guardian Angel of those born in the time period.

Date Crystal Color Name of Guardian Angel
June 16-21 Blue Caliel
July 28-August 1 Lt. Blue Haaiah

There are other Angels that are partial to Lapis Lazuli. The table below gives you the information about them.

Purpose Crystal Color Name of Angel
Aids you while dealing with Anger. Blue Af
Protector and Ruler of the dates June 16-21; Gemini.       Blue Caliel
Ruler of Earth/Snow        Blue Shalgiel
Understanding Angel Tree of Life, the Ruler of Saturn, and the Guardian of Thursday.        Blue Tzaphiel
Mercy Angel ;Tree of Life, Ruler of Thursday and Jupiter. Zadkiel also helps you Heal Memory. Dk. Blue Zadkiel (Zadekiel)
Ruler of the Moon.        Dk. Blue Jarahel
Guardian of the Twenty-Third Mansion of the Moon; Capricorn. Dk. Blue Requiel
Raguel helps you to Heal Relationships.        Lt. Blue Raguel
Protector and Ruler of the dates July 28-August 1; Leo.       Lt. Blue Haaiah

Goddess Crystals for AmethystLapis Lazuli Goddess Crystals

Lapis Lazuli honors Athena, the Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom. She is always depicted in armor and is known as a skilled fighter and strategist, and for her superb logic and intellect.

Lapis Lazuli honors Hera, the Greek Goddess of Marriage, and the Queen of all Gods and Goddesses on Mt Olympus. She is a source of inspiration for wives and lovers, and for standing up for what is right.

Lapis Lazuli honors Inanna, the Sumerian Goddess of the Underworld. She journeys into the underworld carrying her Lapis Lazuli rods and measures time and the length of a person's life.

Lapis Lazuli honors Nuit, the Egyptian Goddess of Heaven and Sky. She swallows the sun each evening, and gives birth to it again each morning. She is the protector and mother of life on Earth.

Lapis Lazuli honors Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love (also called Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty). She was one of twelve Olympians who governed all aspects of human life, and is known for her beauty and passion.

Lapis Lazuli is also used in devotions to Dana (Danu), the Celtic River Goddess.



There are several ways to find an appropriate birthstone. The traditional one is listed first. These are from the popular lists that most people are familiar with. The second way is to find your natural birthstone by the color wheel of life. You can click on the Natural Birthstone graphic below to learn more. Finally many people use the traditional stones of the Zodiac.

In this section you will find information on all three approaches.

traditional birthstoneLapis Lazuli Traditional Birthstone

Lapis is not a traditional birthstone.

Natural BirthstoneLapis Lazuli Natural Birthstone.

Lapis Lazuli, with its deep blue color, is one of the natural birthstones of those born as the world Lapis Lazuli awaits the vernal equinox and spring (February 19 - March 19). This is a time when new life is about to burst forth, a time of faith and trust. Blue crystals bring you patience and respect.

zodiac usesLapis Lazuli - Zodiac Stone of Sagattarius

Lapis is associated with the planets Neptune and Venus, but primarily with Sagittarus (21 Nov - 21 Dec). Wikipedia tells us that as the ninth sign in the zodiac, Sagittarius is associated with the astrological 9th house, and natural Sagittarian matters - foreign travel and foreign countries and cultures, religion, the law and higher education, all things which seek to expand one's experience, freedom, and journeys.

talisman uses

Lapis Lazuli Amulets and Talismans

Lapis Lazuli is a valuable talisman for gaining respect, keeping negative energy away, and for helping us to remember to be humble in our dealings with others.

Lapis Lazuli is an Enhancer Filter crystal. Enhancers have internal crystal lattices of perfect cubic symmetry and internal harmony. As "building block" talismans, their internal structure helps focus our efforts to build on our successes and enhance our lives. They concentrate our energy on the improvements we desire and thought patterns that will produce the actions needed to bring them about.

Crystals with the earth power of a Filter, absorb positive energy flow but work to keep negative energy away from us. They help us view the world in a "glass half full" outlook, to see the best in others, the beauty in life, and the good in humanity. They keep us focused on the positive in situations and to not be overwhelmed by the negative. In our technological world, Filters also work to keep harmful electromagnetic transmissions from sapping our energy and health.

When found in a lighter blue color, Lapis is a superb talisman for finding peace and calmness through acceptance and enjoyment of the earth's bounty.

Feng Shui usesLapis Lazuli Feng Shui

Lapis Lazuli utilizes Water energy, the energy of stillness, quiet strength, and purification. It embodies potentialities unrealized. It is yielding, formless, yet powerful. The Water element brings power of regeneration and rebirth. It is the energy of the circle of life. Use Lapis crystals to enhance any space that you use for repose, calm reflection, or prayer. Water energy is traditionally associated with the North area of a home or room. It is associated with the Career and Life Path area, its flowing energy assuring a balance of energy as your life unfolds and flows.

Lore_and _legend of crystalsLapis Lazuli in Ancient Lore and Legend

Lapis Lazuli was considered a cure for melancholy and for "quartern fever," an intermittent fever returning each third day, or fourth day counting in the previous attack. [Kunz, 93] It was also said to cure apoplexies, epilepsies, diseases of the spleen, and dementia. It was worn around the neck as an amulet to drive away frights from children, strengthened sight, prevented fainting and abortion if taken near the time of delivery. [Fernie, 330]

Lapis Lazuli was used extensively in ancient Egypt and Assyria for amulets carved with various symbols, scarab seals, signets and cylinder seals. It was the material for the image of Truth (Ma), which the Egyptian chief-justice and High Priest wore around his neck suspended with a gold chain. [Kunz, 92-93, 119]

The earliest recorded instances of semi-precious stones used for religious purposes comes from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a ritual ceremony for safe passage and protection from evil for their deceased. Lapis Lazuli, named chesbet by the Egyptians, was used in many amulets to be placed on the body, including the tet, a mason's table symbol placed on the neck for protection, and the ab, heart, regarded as the seat of life and placed in its own receptacle. It could only be reunited with the body after being weighed in the balance of the underworld. Two special chapters were engraved on Lapis Lazuli, the 26th chapter referencing the heart, and the 140th chapter on the symbolic eye, made from Lapis and ornamented in gold. It was an amulet of great power, and an offering was to be made to this symbol to the supreme god Ra. [Kunz, 227, 229]

In Assyrian texts, the uknu, Lapis Lazuli, was one of the seven gemstones placed in an ornament to be worn on the breast of the king as an amulet. Its power was so great it was believed to constitute an ornament for the gods as well. In the Gilgamesh epic of the Babylonians, legends tell of trees which grow precious stones, and Lapis Lazuli grows from its crown. Lapis Lazuli ornamented the yellow girdles worn by Chinese emperors of the Manchu dynasty for the services in the Temple of Heaven. [Kunz, 230, 232, 245]

In Summerian mythology, the goddess Inanna (a forerunner of Aphrodite and Venus) journeyed into the underworld carrying Lapis Lazuli rods and measured time and the length of a person's life. It was believed crystals were the flesh of the gods and that the gods were crystal beings. [Hall 2, 14]

One legend holds that King Solomon was given a special Lapis ring by an angel of the Lord that allowed him to control legions of demons which he used to build his temple. [Melody, 370]

Ancient Egyptians believed the soul existed in the mind and was housed in the brain, and Lapis blue was a mental healer and soul purifier. Lapis was used to purge the soul of demonic possession by pulverizing the stone, mixing it with gold, making it into a poultice and placing it on the crown of the head. As it dried it would draw out the demons. In extreme cases, a small hole was drilled in the skull and the mixture was poured into the head. [Raphaell, 141]

SOURCE: https://www.crystalvaults.com