Receiving information through the subtle mind and intellect
Receiving information through the subtle mind and intellect
Sometimes one experiences a strange feeling of homecoming when seeing a totally unknown house, a premonition of impending disaster, or feeling unending love for a person who is otherwise contrary to one’s liking. These are experiences through the subtle mind. We cannot comprehend the reason behind these feelings. Sometimes we hear about people who get information from the subtle dimension and who converse with beings in the subtle regions. The following paragraphs will explain this phenomenon in more detail.
- How do people perceive this information?
People who receive knowledge from the subtle dimension generally receive it in three ways:
• By letting a subtle entity use one’s hand to write their message (known as automatic writing)
• By a vision where they can actually see the words or passages in front of their eyes
• Through thoughts
Among the above methods, receiving the answer in thoughts is most subtle among the three ways.
Source of the knowledge
People who receive knowledge from the subtle dimension receive it either:
• Automatically due to their ability to tap into the Universal Mind and Intellect, or
• As answers to questions specifically asked by them to subtle entities. They are able to do this through their sixth sense through the medium of their subtle mind and intellect.
In both cases, the person understands the subtle dimension, but only a spiritually evolved person can differentiate whether the knowledge received is due to the first or second way. In most cases, the person converses with subtle bodies from the various subtle regions such as the nether world and hell, and very rarely from a deity or God, that is the Universal Mind and Intellect.
The type and grade or level of information received depends on the spiritual level of the person receiving it.
- Information from lower sources:
The information received from subtle bodies belonging to lower regions, i.e. from the Nether World or Hell, is mostly of a worldly nature and of importance only for a restricted part of the world and for a short time span. An example of this would be getting information about whether President Bush was going to declare war against Iran and if so when, or which political party would come to power in a certain country.
- Knowledge from higher sources:
Knowledge received from subtle bodies from higher regions like the Mahaloka (beyond Heaven) and above, is of a spiritual nature. The knowledge obtained is progressively of more universal need and of lasting importance in terms of a time span of centuries. Receiving Divine Knowledge from the Universal Mind and Universal Intellect (i.e. the mind and intellect aspects of God) is of the highest kind. Iis only possible for Saints to receive this knowledge. An example of this is the receipt of the knowledge contained in the Holy Vedas by the Sages of ancient India.
To correctly ascertain the source of the knowledge or its accuracy, one would need to be of a very high spiritual level i.e. a Saint of 90% or above.